How Smarter Guest Wi-Fi Can Help Your Business Learn and Grow

In recent years, guest Wi-Fi has gone from being a nicety in hospitality and retail venues to a customer expectation.

In fact, recent research has shown that:

  • 2 in 3 people now own a smartphone
  • 61% of people search for Wi-Fi whilst eating and drinking
  • 36% would visit a food and drink outlet again if it had free Wi-Fi
  • 45% say it’s important to them to have free Wi-Fi whilst out eating or drinking
  • 49% want to update social media whilst eating or drinking

Often, many venues will purchase a broadband line, maybe change the SSID (network) name, and have their staff give out the password. Whilst this approach may work for many venues, it throws up a few security issues and also means your business can miss out on some great marketing and customer engagement opportunities.

Guest Wi-Fi and customer engagement

By implementing guest Wi-Fi solutions, such as Purple Wi-Fi, you can engage with your customers on a deeper level. When users connect to your guest Wi-Fi, they are presented with a splash page (a page of a website that users see first before going to the actual site) with your company branding and are given the opportunity to either fill in a form or log in using a number of social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. Once users log in and accept the terms and conditions, the venue can then request a Facebook ‘like’ or even present customers with a small survey. Once completed, your guests get online and you get invaluable marketing data from them.

What data can guest Wi-Fi provide?

Email addresses, mobile numbers, age, gender, hometown and Facebook interests are just some of the deeper analytical data your guest Wi-Fi can gather. This data can be used by you to not only drive campaigns (which can be done from a centralised portal), but also make smarter marketing decisions. Maybe you have seen an uptick of people who like Rugby using your venue, so you decide to show 6 nations games or maybe it’s ladies day at the local races and you want to push an email voucher for a glass of free prosecco to ladies who have previously visited your bar.

Protos Networks tailor make guest Wi-Fi solutions for your business

Every business is different, as are the requirements for the data they wish to gather from their customers. The solutions that Protos Networks provide can be tailor-made for your business.

  • Want to forward user emails straight to your MailChimp mailing list?
  • Wish to monetise your guest Wi-Fi after a free 20-minute period?
  • Want to integrate floor-plans of your shopping centre to the portal and track visitor location?

No problem! We can design, implement and support a smarter guest Wi-Fi solution for you.

Contact us today for your free consultation.

Need Advice?

If you need any advice on this issue or any other cyber security subjects, please contact Protos Networks.

Email: [email protected]
Tel: 0333 370 1353